King Abdullah II School of Information Technology
"Where You Can Find The Best Information Technology Environment"
Students  Achievements
The King Abdullah II School of Information Technology at the University of Jordan secured the third place in the NASA Hackathon....Read More06 Oct, 2024
The students from the college were honored for their participation in the Huawei ICT Competition 2023-2024....Read More08 Feb, 2024
Students from the University of Jordan qualify for the regional Orange competition.The team comprising students from the college won the Orange competition....Read More31 Oct, 2023
Students from the college won the Hakim competition.Second place in the Hakim competition....Read More31 Aug, 2023
The student Ayham Khamees won The 8Log security competition.A student from the college won the writing competition....Read More09 May, 2023
Teams from the college won the course projects competition in its first season.The students from the college participated and won in the course projects competition....Read More10 Jan, 2023
Winners of JCPCStudents from the university of Jordan Win JCPC...Read More14 Oct, 2022
A team of college students won the Amazon Teckathon competition.The team from the college emerged victorious in the Amazon competition....Read More04 Sep, 2022
The first place was secured by a team from the college in the Arab Artificial Intelligence Olympics....Read More10 May, 2022
Thirda place in website design competitionThird Place in website design compition - Local Competition...Read More21 Jul, 2019
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