King Abdullah II School of Information Technology
"Where You Can Find The Best Information Technology Environment"
Academic Faculty Staff
collapse Department of Computer Science
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension  
Dr. Mohammad ObaidatHonorary Professor02/2022 USAClick hereClick here 22564
Dr. Ahmed Al-JaberProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Yahia Sabri MostafaProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Talib Hasan ShehadehProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Ahmad Abdel-Aziz ShariehProfessor11/2008 USAClick hereClick here 22584
Dr. Sami I. SerhanProfessor08/2009 USSRClick hereClick here 22574
Dr. Saleh Hosni Al-SharaehProfessor12/2009 USAClick hereClick here 22576 or 22600
Dr. Riad JabriProfessor10/2011 BulgariaClick hereClick here 22591
Dr. Azzam SleitProfessor02/2012 USAClick hereClick here 22572
Dr. Mohammad Sulieman QatawnehProfessor07/2012 UkraineClick hereClick here 22586
Dr. Imad Khaled Moh'd SalahProfessor06/2013 UkraineClick hereClick here 22583 or 21112
Dr. Basel Ali MahafzahProfessor03/2015 USAClick hereClick here 22579
Dr. Wesam A. AlmobaideenProfessor02/2016 ItalyClick hereClick here 22580
Dr. Hazem Al HiaryProfessor04/2018 UKClick hereClick here 22578 or 22575
Dr. Abdel Latif Abu-DalhoumProfessor02/2019 SpainClick hereClick here 22573
Dr. Khair Eddin SabriProfessor04/2019 CanadaClick hereClick here 22557
Dr. Iman Musa Al-Momani Professor10/2023 UKClick hereClick here 22570
Dr. Maen Mahmoud Al AssafAssociate Professor01/2016 USAClick hereClick here 22587
Dr. Sherenaz W. Al-Haj BaddarAssociate Professor06/2016 USAClick hereClick here 22589
Dr. Saher ManaseerAssociate Professor06/2017 UKClick hereClick here 22573
Dr. Jamal Mohammad AlsakranAssociate Professor08/2017 USAClick hereClick here 22633
Dr. Basima Ahmad ElshqeiratAssociate Professor03/2020 AustraliaClick hereClick here 22592
Dr. Heba SaadehAssociate Professor09/2020 UKClick hereClick here 22573
Dr.Bilal Abu-SalihAssociate Professor01/2023 AustraliaClick hereClick here 
Dr.Mohammed Amin AlmaiahAssociate Professor02/2024 MalaysiaClick hereClick here 
Dr. Mohammed Al-RawiAssistant ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Emad QaddouraAssistant ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Oraib AbualghanamAssistant Professor10/2023 JordanClick hereClick here 
Dr. Mohammed Salem AtoumAssistant Professor02/2024 MalesiaClick hereClick here 
Dr. Ahmad Al HwaitatAssistant Professor02/2024 JordanClick hereClick here 
Mr. Husni Al-SayyedTeacherClick hereClick here 
Mr. Malek Ghaleb Abdel_RazzakTeacherClick hereClick here 
Mr. Nabil Musa Abed-ElrahmanTeacherClick hereClick here 
Mrs. "Ansar Magdalena" Al-KhouryTeacher05/2002 JordanClick hereClick here 22582
Mrs. Lubna Nasir EldeenTeacher08/2007 JordanClick hereClick here 22625
Mr. Nabeel Mustafa AlassafTeacher11/2009 JordanClick hereClick here 22638
collapse Department of Computer Information Systems
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension  
Munib Ahmad MahmoudProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Fawaz Ahmad Al-ZaghoulProfessor07/2008 UKClick hereClick here 22607
Dr. Moh'd Belal Al-ZoubiProfessor05/2011 UKClick hereClick here 22615
Dr. Bassam Hasan HammoProfessor08/2015 USAClick hereClick here 22606 or 22600
Dr. Amjad HudaibProfessor09/2016 ItalyClick hereClick here 22605
Dr. Thair HamtiniProfessor12/2016 USAClick hereClick here 22611
Dr. Ammar HuneitiProfessor07/2019 UKClick hereClick here 22577
Dr. Omar Al-AdwanProfessor03/2020 USAClick hereClick here 22590
Khalil moh'd AliAssociate ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Mousa Tawfiq AL-AkhrasAssociate Professor12/2012 UKClick hereClick here 22602
Dr. Rana M. M. YousefAssociate Professor11/2015 UKClick hereClick here 22641
Dr. Mohammad AbushariahAssociate Professor05/2017 MalaysiaClick hereClick here 22616 or 22551
Dr. Huda KarajehAssociate Professor04/2019 UKClick hereClick here 22618
Dr. Hamad Iqab AlsawalqahAssociate Professor07/2020 South Korea (Republic of Korea)Click hereClick here 22643
Dr. Salsabeel Fayiz AlfalahAssociate Professor10/2020 UKClick hereClick here 22562
Dr. Esra AlzaghoulAssociate Professor04/2022 UKClick hereClick here 22614
Raja' Saleh Al-OmariAssistant ProfessorClick hereClick here 
Dr. Reem Al FayezAssistant Professor09/2016 UKClick hereClick here 22565
Dr. Marwan Al-TawilAssistant Professor04/2018 UKClick hereClick here 22573
turki mahmoud mir'eTeacherClick hereClick here 
Mrs. Aseel Al-AnaniTeacher04/2002 JordanClick hereClick here 22604
Ms. Rola Ismail Al-KhaledTeacher10/2008 JordanClick hereClick here 22604
Mrs. Tahani Salah Al-KhatibTeacher04/2009 JordanClick hereClick here 22608
Mrs. Lama Rajab Abdel-MajeedTeacher09/2009 JordanClick hereClick here 22608
Mrs. Hiba Ali MohammadTeacher09/2009 JordanClick hereClick here 22603
Mrs. Tamara Al-marabehTeacher02/2010 JordanClick hereClick here 22603
Mrs. Wala’a QutechateTeacher11/2013 JordanClick hereClick here 22612
Mr. Yousef MajdalawiTeacher03/2014 JordanClick hereClick here 22628
Dr. Abdelbaset Jamal AssafLecturer01/2024 United KingdomClick hereClick here 
collapse Department of Information Technology
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension  
Dr. Hamed Saqer Al-BdourProfessor05/2012 UkraineClick hereClick here 22626
Dr. Osama RababahProfessor04/2017 UKClick hereClick here 22624
Dr. Rizik Al-SayyedProfessor08/2017 UKClick hereClick here 22639
Dr. Osama K. HarfoushiProfessor03/2018 UKClick hereClick here 22567
Dr. Hossam FarisProfessor07/2019 ItalyClick hereClick here 22634
Dr. Mannam ZamzeerAssociate Professor09/2002 IrelandClick hereClick here 22609
Dr. Ja’far AlqatawnaAssociate Professor06/2015 UKClick hereClick here 22655 or 22622
Dr. Bashar Awad Al-ShboulAssociate Professor12/2016 South Korea (Republic of Korea)Click hereClick here 22640
Dr. Yazan Yassin AlShamailehAssociate Professor10/2018 UKClick hereClick here 22645
Dr. Dana Al-QudahAssociate Professor03/2021 UKClick hereClick here 22632
Dr. Malak Al-HassanAssistant Professor09/2015 AustraliaClick hereClick here 22625
Ms. Mariam ItriqTeacher10/2007 JordanClick hereClick here 22627
Dr. Samar Al SaqqaTeacher05/2014 JordanClick hereClick here 22621
Dr. Dima Mahmood SuleimanLecturer02/2024 JordanClick hereClick here 22621
Dr. Yousef Khader SanjalaweLecturer07/2024 MalaysiaClick hereClick here 
Dr. Mohammad Abdallah Al SharaiahLecturer07/2024 New ZealandClick hereClick here 
Dr. Sharif Naser MakhadmehLecturer07/2024 MalaysiaClick hereClick here 
collapse Department of Artificial Intelligence
NameRankRank Obtained InGraduate CountryPublicationsPersonal WebsiteExtension  
Dr. Nadim Ali Meri ObeidProfessor01/2002 UKClick hereClick here 22617 or 22610
Dr. Mohammad AlshraidehProfessor07/2016 UKClick hereClick here 22571 or 21800
Dr. Omar Sultan Al-KadiProfessor01/2020 UKClick hereClick here 22623
Dr. Ruba Fouad ObiedatProfessor04/2022 ItalyClick hereClick here 22632 or 22560
Dr. Ibrahim AljarahProfessor05/2022 USAClick hereClick here 22637
Dr. Ali Abdallah AlrodanAssociate Professor08/2016 UKClick hereClick here 22631
Dr. Loai Medhat AlnemerAssociate Professor12/2016 USAClick hereClick here 22613
Dr. Majdi Shaker SawalhaAssociate Professor01/2019 UKClick hereClick here 22619
Dr. Tamam Al-SarhanLecturer08/2023 ShanghaiClick hereClick here 
Administrative Faculty Staff
collapse Faculty Deanship Satff
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension  
Mr. Ra'fat Abu RummanChief of the Cabinete.mahasneh[at] 22555
Eng. Nafea S. AlkharabshehComputer Engineern.kharabsheh[at] 22568
Eng. Aroba Abdallah BagaeenComputer Lab Supervisora.bagaeen[at] 22662
Eng. Hadeel Taher Sabri OthmanComputer Lab Supervisorhadeel.othman[at] 22666
Eng. Rose Mohammad AlzoubiComputer Lab Supervisorrose.alzubi[at] 22660
Eng. Sara Ali AloqailyComputer Lab Supervisore.sara_angle[at] 22662
Mr. Baha' Omar AldameiryComputer Lab Supervisorb.aldameiry[at] 23789
Mr. Hani AyyoubComputer Lab Supervisorh.ayyoub[at] 22561
Mr. Mohammad Ameen Al-RashdanComputer Lab 22656
Mr. Sae'd Mohd Abed A-Jaber Al-NatoorComputer Lab Supervisormsosoosos[at] 22659
Mrs. Alaa' Abdel-Rahim Al-KhreisatComputer Lab 22657
Mrs. Enas Khaled Al HamarshehComputer Lab Supervisore.hamarsheh[at] 22657
Mrs. Fatma Zuhdi BadwanComputer Lab Supervisorfbadwan[at] 22667
Mrs. Manal Yousef Al-halabiaComputer Lab Supervisormanal_yousef2000[at] 22665
Mrs. Rasha Mohammad Al-SoubComputer Lab Supervisorrasha_soub2000[at] 22670
Mrs. Samah AlheloComputer Lab SupervisorSamah.alhelo[at] 22661
Mrs. Sherene Mahmoud ZahranComputer Lab Supervisorsh.zahran[at] 222668
Mrs. Tamara HammouriComputer Lab Supervisortamara[at] 22663
Mrs. Ola Azzam ShalbakDevelopment administrativeo.shalbak[at] 23786
Mr. Amer Al-ZabenMonitoring and Controlling  22559
Mrs. Aseel MuhaisenSecretary / Typista.Muhesin[at] 22551
Ms. Noha Al-mousaSecretary / Typistnohaalmousa[at] 22560
Mr. Daood AlhmadeenVerbatim copieshamaden[at] 22552
Mr. Thaer Mohammed QandielWarehouse Keeper  22566
collapse Department of Computer Science
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Ms. Tahani A KH 22575
Dr. Mohammed Salem AtoumChairman of Computer Science 22575
collapse Department of Computer Information Systems
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Dr. Rana M. M. YousefChairman of Computer Information Systems 22610
Ms. Ayat Al-GhazawiSecretaryCIS[at] 22610
collapse Department of Information Technology
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Dr. Rizik Al-SayyedChairman of Information Technology 22622
Mr. Awwad 22622
collapse Department of Artificial Intelligence
NameJob TitleE-mailExtension
Dr. Ruba Fouad ObiedatChairman of Artificial intelligence 22629