KASIT program prepared me to practice information technology careers and research professionally and ethically. Strongly agree
My KASIT degree helped me to find a job opportunity or to be accepted in a higher degree program. Strongly agree
After my graduation, I configured out that KASIT was able to conduct a high quality program and research that comply with the Jordanian job market requirements. Strongly agree
The education that I attained during my study at KASIT was useful in my career life. Agree
KASIT coursework helped me to develop my programming skills. That helped me to hunt a job opportunity or to be successful in my after-graduation career or research. Agree
KASIT education helped me to develop my research and communication skills that I found them very important after my graduation. Strongly agree
The graduation project that I did at KASIT was really a good starting point for my future career, research, or study. It also improved my teamwork skills. Strongly agree
In case that I would like to continue my graduate studies, KASIT program is  a good foundation for any relevant future degree.  
During my study, KASIT was able to provide me with an appropriate educational and research environment and facilities. Agree
After my graduation, I found that the following courses that I took at KASIT were the most import in my career, research, or study.
Thuốc nhỏ mắt Natagrev (Natamycin 5%) là một hỗn dịch nhỏ mắt vô trùng kháng nấm, được chỉ định điều trị những trường hợp như viêm bờ mi, viêm kết mạc, viêm giác mạc gây ra bởi những chủng nấm nhạy cảm bao gồm : viêm giác mạc do Fusarium solani.
Ngoài tên thương mại Natagrev thì Natamycin còn có các tên thương mại khác như là thuốc Aumnata (công ty Reman sản xuất), thuốc N-Mycin, thuốc Natacyn tuy nhiên hiện nay các thuốc Natacyn hay là N-Mycin bị hết hàng nên rất khó mua và giá bị đẩy lên rất cao hãy tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ để xem xét và có thể xử dụng Natagrev thay thế. Để được tư vấn về địa chỉ mua thuốc Natagrev (Natamycin 5%) LH Ds Dũng 0978.342.324.
Chúng tôi có dịch vụ tư vấn, giao hàng toàn quốc (Hà Nội, Đà Nẵng, Hồ Chí Minh), nhận hàng mới cần trả tiền (ship COD)
After my graduation, I found that the following events, training sessions, or projects that I participated in during my stay at KASIT were useful in my after-graduation life, career, or study.
As a KASIT alumni, I deem that my following comments are necessary to develop KASIT's programs, research,  and educational environment.
https://nhommua.edu.vn/members/nhathuocaz56.5106/ https://congmuaban.vn/dich-vu-du-lich-giai-tri/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat.product304477/ https://linkhay.com/blog/466957/thuoc-paxlovid-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat
https://aiti.edu.vn/members/nhathuocaz123.15666/ https://sinhvienluat.vn/threads/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat.208110/ https://www.pubpub.org/user/nhathuoc-az-2
https://kenhsinhvien.edu.vn/members/nhathuocaz78.11130/ https://tructiep.vn/website/users/ShowClassifiedAdv.aspx?cAdvId=5586359 https://computer.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Alumni%20Feedback%20Survey/DispForm.aspx?ID=32680
https://vnmu.edu.vn/members/nhathuoc67.18625/ https://12mua.net/threads/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-benh-gi-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-ha-noi-tp-hcm.1249387/ https://computer.ju.edu.jo/Lists/Alumni%20Feedback%20Survey/DispForm.aspx?ID=32682
https://sccollege.edu/Library/Lists/Library%20Building%20Survey%20PT%202/DispForm.aspx?ID=168912 https://batdongsan24h.edu.vn/threads/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-ha-noi.134940/
https://raovat.net/xem/8002254-Thuoc-Primovir-co-gia-bao-nhieu-Mua-o-dau-re-nhat.html https://rongbay.com/Ha-Noi/Thuoc-Primovir-co-gia-bao-nhieu-Mua-o-dau-re-nhat-c275-raovat-33016792.html
https://sinhvienluat.vn/members/nhathuocaz123hapu.11426/ https://nguoiquangbinh.net/forum/diendan/showthread.php?p=831915#post831915
https://danangmuaban.forumvi.com/t223564-topic#820803 http://chodichvu.vn/threads/thuoc-primovir-co-gia-bao-nhieu-mua-o-dau-re-nhat.961883/
https://www.blogger.com/profile/09018608579347705086 https://giahoclaixe.net/threads/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat.118631/
http://vnseosem.com/threads/thuoc-primovir-co-gia-bao-nhieu-mua-o-dau.267114/ http://raovat9s.com/threads/thuoc-primovir-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-ha-noi.23245/
https://enbac.com/Ha-Noi/Thiet-bi-Vat-tu-y-te/p3780290/Thuoc-Primovir-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-Ha-Noi-tp-HCM.html https://duyendangaodai.net/threads/125944-Thuoc-Primovir-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-Ha-Noi-tp-HCM.html?p=138405#post138405
https://6giay.vn/threads/thuoc-primovir-dieu-tri-covid-mua-o-dau-re-nhat-ha-noi.132271/ https://twitter.com/thongtinbenh1/status/1612362211258961924
https://chuanmen.edu.vn/members/nhathuocaz34.22182/ https://www.tumblr.com/phanvantuan/705956279243407360/thu%E1%BB%91c-primovir-l%C3%A0-thu%E1%BB%91c-g%C3%AC-gi%C3%A1-bao-nhi%C3%AAu-mua-%E1%BB%9F?source=share