King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor Of Data Science / Teaching and Learning Methods

Ø Teaching & Learning Methods
Development of the learning outcomes is promoted through the following teaching and learning methods:
1) Ordinary lectures are delivered 3 times/week for each course by a qualified instructor using state-of-the-art presentation methods including data show, laptop. Instructors deliver teaching activities, such as readings, demonstrations, practical exercises, experiments, programs, tutorials, sessions, and group working.
2) Practical lectures given in the lab by instructors and lab supervisors and practical laboratory assignments given to the students.
3) Text book and references.
4) Lecture summary notes which provided by instructor on e-learning or the faculty website.
5) A special purpose laboratory incubator called the I-Lab is established for creativity, entrepreneurial, and innovation for students to implement and market their ideas.
6) External lectures, invited speakers from industry and other institutions, and workshops are organized and students and staff are encouraged to attend.
7) Training in approved organizations for six weeks.
8) A graduation project is compulsory and the students are required to produce a full documentation of their project in accordance with the software engineering principles that they learned.