Special Conditions:
The Supervisory Committee of the PhD program has the rights to determine a set of special conditions for admission to the program where these conditions do not conflict with the general framework of admission and include the following:
First: These special conditions are considered for admission to the doctoral program in computer science and they represent an integral part of the total requirements for student competitive admission and they are complementary to the general conditions and instructions determined by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the College of Graduate Studies at the University of Jordan. These conditions include:
A. Teaching and course offering in the program is applicable to the rules of the university of Jordan during the working hours of the University.
B. It is required that a PhD student has to be available in his office and in the research labs for at least (9-12) hours per week for each course (3 credit hours) to do research, conducting experiments, downloading research papers, investigating new research topics and helping his advisor as well as other faculty members in all aspects of research.
C. Passing the general acceptance exam in computer science with a score not less than 70%
1. After the PhD committee has received the applications for all candidates from the Graduate School, students will set for a general exam in the core fields of knowledge in computer science. Announcements for the exam will be made directly after the closing date for applications and will be made through the official website of the University of Jordan, the College of Graduate Studies and the Faculty of King Abdullah II School of information technology.
2. Only students who pass the exam with a score not less than 70% will be considered for a short presentation and allowed to proceed for completing their admission requirements to the program.
3. If the student fails, the exam or he was absent on the day of the exam he will be excluded from the competition and his application will be rejected.
D. Passing a short presentation in a research area with a score not less than 70%
1. A student who pass the exam will be asked to prepare for a short presentation in a research area of his choice to be delivered in front of the supervising committee of the PhD program. The date of the presentations will be announced on the official website of the University of Jordan and the College of Graduate Studies and King Abdullah II School of Information Technology.
2. If a student did not deliver the presentation, he/she will be excluded from the competition and his application will be rejected.
E. The score of parts (C+D) above are calculated out of 20 points (10 points for each part) and the result is used along with the policies followed by the graduate college to prepare the final acceptance list.
Second: The supervising committee of the PhD program is responsible for preparing the forms and the results and submit the final results to the Graduate College to be announced for the students. |