King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - 1902930 Digital Media

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Computer Information Systems

( 1902930 Digital Media )
Course Description :

​This course presents novel research and academic topics related to the theory and practice of the science of digital media. These topics are, mainly, associated with the representation (encoding/decoding) and the processing of digital media components such as audio, graphics, images and video. The course will include a detailed discussion of the latest research in the field of digital signal encoding, decoding, transmission, and processing. Topics related to digital media compression including JPEG, GIF, H.263, MPEG video, MPEG Audio, and Dolby Audio, noise reduction through averaging, filtering, convolution, etc. will be explained. The course will also highlight the concept of MIDI audio including MIDI control of audio synthesis. In addition, Issues associated with Multimedia networks and communication such as frameworks for media authoring, integration, interchange and transmission will be expressed.​

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Computer Information Systems
Program :
Course Level :Doctorate
Course Outline :