King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Computer Skills for Humanities

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Computer Information Systems

( Computer Skills for Humanities )
Course Description :

This introductory course is designed to lay down a solid foundation in the area of information technology. The course develops critical thinking and problem solving skills.  Moreover, it aims to teach students how to use common software for organizing, searching and computing with emphasis on "real world" business-related tasks. Students will have the opportunity to practice and implement applications in the lab.

This course has four modules:
-          Problem solving including problem analysis, algorithms, flowcharts and pseudo codes.
-          Spreadsheets (MS Excel) including functions, charts, filtering, sorting, macros and scenarios.
-          Presentations including creating slides, tables, charts, animation effects, page transitions. Printing and displaying slides.
-          Introduction to Information systems and applications including computer applications in everyday activities, Health care, communication and emergency support, e-commerce.
Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Computer Information Systems
Program :
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
1942102Computer Skills for Humanities.pdf