King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - JU collegiate programming contest 2019

Schools Acheivements

JU collegiate programming contest 2019

The second official version of JU collegiate programming contest (JUCPC 2019) was held in the KASIT faculty at the University of Jordan on Saturday 22nd June, under the coordination and supervision of Dr Heba Saadeh, Dr Reem Al Fayez and Dr Fahed Jubair.
A total of 104 teams registered in the contest, 94 of them actually participated on the day with a total of 282 students which makes it the largest programming contest ever held in Jordan.
20 teams out of the 94 were qualified to represent the University of Jordan in the national version of the contest and the top places were awarded to the following teams:
1st place: Undefined
2nd place: Singularity
3rd place: Shadow
More than a 100 people helped in organizing the contest from the university's students, academics, and the technical support team.
We would like to sincerely thank the Jordanian Programmers Association, Atypon and the University of Jordan student’s union for funding and providing the needed support to make this contest happen. Also, the working staff of the information technology center and the judging committee made tremendous effort to prepare and run this contest successfully. Looking forward to such future events.