King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Participation in ITSAF competition

Schools Acheivements

Participation in ITSAF competition

Two teams from the faculty of information technology at the University of Jordan participated in the 10th Information Technology Students Activity Fair (ITSAF) 2019. Mohammad Sameeh Gharabat, and under the supervision of Dr. Khair Eddin Sabri
Won the 6th place in the competition, for his project Penetration Lab(PenLab), while Hamza Hussein Al-Zwairy and Amer Maher Al-Saidi, who were supervised by Dr. Hamad Alsawalqah, won the 8thplace for their project Rent and Go (Rengo). It worth mentioning that 36 teams participated in this year’s contest, from 18 local universities.
ITSAF is considered as one of the top student competitions in the region organized and sponsored by Petra University and it aims to offer a valuable opportunity to IT students to exhibit the projects which they had performed during the previous academic year, to the IT industry, in one hand, and create the spirit of competition among students and universities on the other.