King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor Of Computer Science / Program Overview

Ø Background to the program and subject area:

In 1985, the Computer Science Department was established as the sixth department in the Faculty of Science.  This department offered Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS). It used to accept the students with highest grade point averages (GPAs) after completing the first year in the Faculty of Science.
In 2001, the King Abdullah II School for Information Technology (KASIT) was established. The CS Department became the first department among the CS, Computer Information systems (CIS), and Computer Information Business (BIS) departments in KASIT. In 2000-2001, the curriculum was reviewed and updated.  In 2004, the KASIT moved to a new building of four floors, where the first floor was set to the CS department. The building was equipped with up-to-date information technology (IT) facilities. In 2009, the CS program curriculum was updated. The current curriculum was updated in 20014; and to be applicable starting the academic year 2014-2015. In addition to the B.Sc. in CS, currently the CS department offers M.Sc. and PhD degrees in CS.
Ø Vision statements of the program: 
   To be a transformative force in computer science education, empowering future leaders who harness the power of technology to drive sustainable development, economic prosperity, and social progress, locally and globally

Ø Mission statements of the program:  
   To foster diverse, creative, and innovative thinkers to become world-class computer experts who drive sustainable development through impactful problem-solving, technological leadership, and entrepreneurial ventures, while actively integrating and adding real-life experience to our educational approach

  •   Progrma Objectives: 

    1.    Possess a strong foundation in core computer science principles and be adaptable to the rapid evolution of technology.

    2.    Demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze and creatively solve complex problems in diverse domains using cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches.

    3.    Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset, effective communication skills, and a harmonious blend between self-dependence and effective teamwork, to identify opportunities, and navigate challenges.

    4.    Be able to design and build systems that promote sustainability, resource efficiency, while reducing environmental impact, and will contribute to long-term human well-being.

    5.    Be responsible ethical leaders who demonstrate strong decision-making skills, transparency, and accountability in their professional practices.​

    6.    Be committed to lifelong learning, actively seeking new knowledge and skills to keep up with and contribute to current technologies, and have the vision to foresee and adapt to future technological trends.