King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan -

Program Specifications

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems / Practical Training & Field Experience

Description, timing and number of credit hours:  

A student is required to engage in practical training within an IT institution, company or organization for not less than 6 weeks in order to attain the practical experience he/she needs upon graduation. Or have a specialized certificate in one of technological information subjects that considered and published from a certified organization.  The assessment of the training requirement fulfilment is approved by the training committee in the department. The student should handle some required documents in order to prove his/her training fulfilment. The training documents required for assessment include:

1) An experience certificate that certifies that the student has undergone the required training during a specific period of time. The certificate should be signed and endorsed by the trainee, and two copies should be attached.

2) The faculty form of training should be filled as required, and endorsed by the training institution.