Bachelor Of Data Science
Program Description :The data science program is one of the programs that focuses on benefiting from the huge and large amount of data by employing advanced tools and algorithms, and helping to make decisions based on the value and knowledge that is extracted from the data after processing it, as data is considered the “new oil in the 21st century” to denote the importance of data in the current era. Data Science combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. As in the case of crude oil, we can only use and benefit from it if it is refined. Likewise, the data we cannot make use of unless we dig into it, analyze it and extract knowledge from it. Data science is one of the most attractive job fields of the 21st century. Data science is concerned with simple datasets to complex data that associated with thousands of variables. This discipline employs and uses intelligent algorithms based on machine learning to discover useful patterns in data sets. Data science is inseparable from a range of other topics such as: database systems, data engineering, data visualization, business intelligence and big data analytics. One of the most famous jobs for this specialization is a data scientist who is the person concerned with the computational and statistical data analysis and building machine learning models to solve different problems in different domains. A graduate of the data science program is expected to have the ability to collect and process data in the required format, visualize data, build machine learning and deep learning algorithms, and extract patterns and hidden information in data, in addition to knowledge and skill in applying various programming languages such as Python, knowledge of statistics and statistical tests, and ability of communication and collaboration between IT and business experts.
Program Type :Undergraduate
Study Plan :Click Here
Program Department :Information Technology

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