King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Web Server programming

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Information Technology

( Web Server programming)
Course Description :

​The explosion of Internet technologies is revolutionizing the way that people do business, communicate and live. Millions of Internet users access unprecedented resources, send and receive messages, perform research and purchase products worldwide. Buying and selling of products or services over the Internet, known as e-commerce, is rapidly gaining significant portion of the global economy and playing a pivotal role in shaping and enhancing its growth. Therefore, information technology students need to understand how the Internet works and be able to design, implement and configure its services and applications effectively to meet customer requirements.

The emphasis of this course is two-fold:

- Client-side programming using XHTML,CCS, JavaScript, and XML.
- Server-side programming using ASP.NET and ADO.NET.

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Information Technology
Program :Bachelor of Business Information Technology
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
1904253_Web Server programming.pdf