King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Computer Science

( Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking)
Course Description :

This course introduces the principles and techniques associated with cybersecurity practice known as penetration testing or ethical hacking. This course covers the techniques used by hackers to break into an organization and necessary tools to have a hacker mind-set in order to protect network against future attacks. This course illustrates the differences between ethical and unethical penetration testing, describes and explains the phases of a penetration test including reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, and covering tracks. Students will be able to apply different tools and methods to conduct penetration tests for the purpose of discovering how system vulnerabilities can be exploited and possible countermeasures

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Computer Science
Program :Bachelor Of Cyber Security
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :