King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - E-Business Security

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Information Technology

( E-Business Security)
Course Description :

​Having completed this course student will gain such a working knowledge of concepts, principles, techniques and methodologies needed to design and assess security in a complex e-Business environment. The course emphasizes that security of e-Business is best achieved by considering the environment in which e-Business applications need to be implemented and used; this implies that e-Business should be viewed as a complex socio-technical system with three interconnected and interacting elements: stakeholders, enabling technology, and business processes. Therefore, it has been designed to include several topics covering issues such as the nature of e-Business security, information security services for e-Business systems, enterprise security architecture design, e-Business security protocols, web security tools and secure programming techniques, perimeter security such firewall technologies, Intrusion detection/prevention systems, SIEM technologies, security requirement engineering and human factors affecting e-Business security. Weekly lab session.

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Information Technology
Program :Bachelor of Business Information Technology
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
1904334e-Business Security .pdf