King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - E-Government

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Information Technology

( E-Government)
Course Description :

This course introduces the ways in which internet technologies are affecting how people interact with government, and how governments, in turn, are using and managing these technologies to better provide information and services to the public. It also emphasizes the benefits of adopting IT in e-government for all stockholders. It introduces the technology of e-government with an in-depth examination of current government development models and management challenges in the delivery of services and information, electronically. Furthermore, it will explore the skills and concepts needed to effectively manage e-government projects. Lastly, some successful practices of e-government projects will be addressed to emphasize the importance of implementing e-government.

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Information Technology
Program :Bachelor of Business Information Technology
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :