King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Management Information Systems

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Information Technology

( Management Information Systems)
Course Description :
This course aims at introducing the concepts of management information system and its resources. This course works as a road map for system management courses. The course covers fundamental concepts of MIS; by elaborating on the impact of IT on several sectors including: industry, strategy and finance. In industry, Porter’s five forces models are studied and how they are used to gain competitive advantages. On the other hand, in strategy, RGT framework is discussed in addition to Porter’s strategies. Breakeven point is studied as a part of the impact of IT in finance. The major business initiatives are covered including: Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Social Media (SM). OLTP and OLAP information processing tools which support business intelligence (BI) are also discussed. IT tools which are used to support OLTP are database and Database Management System DBMS. On the other hand, IT tools which are used to support OLAP are data warehouse and data mining tools. Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Expert Systems (ES) are discussed in terms of concept and usage. E-commerce models, marketing mix, and how to move money easily and securely are investigated through the course.
Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Information Technology
Program :Bachelor of Business Information Technology
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
1904232_Management Information Systems.pdf