King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Data Structures-2 Lab
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( Data Structures-2 Lab )
Course Description :

This course explores how different data structures are implemented and their main applications, so the student can analyse any problem and identify the computer requirements appropriate to its solution.
It includes implementation of Pointers and pointer operations, including pointers in objects. Implementation of Linked list: singly, doubly, circular. Practical implementation of Linked Stacks and using Stack to calculate arithmetic expressions. Practical implementation of Linked Queues. Practical implementation of recursive functions on Binary Search Trees.
The students assessment will be based on practical quizzes and exams

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Computer%20Science
Program :Bachelor%20Of%20Computer%20Science
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :
1901236_Data structures-2-Lab.pdf