King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - The University of Jordan - Data Security and Digital Forensics Applications

  King Abdullah II School of Information Technology - Department of Information Technology

( Data Security and Digital Forensics Applications)
Course Description :
This course covers basic principles and practices in digital investigation, which emphasizes the basics of digital forensics and its importance. The student will acquire various techniques and procedures that enable him/her to conduct a digital investigation. The course focuses mainly on the analysis of physical storage media, and covers the main stages of digital research, such as conservation, analysis and discovery of artefacts in hard disks and random access memory. The course also aims at emphasizing the importance of this science in the preparation of students to conduct a digital investigation in a systematic manner, providing theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as recent research in this field. Upon completing the course, students can apply open source digital evidence tools to conduct a digital investigation and understand the underlying theory behind these tools.

Pre Request :
Credit Hour :
Department :Information Technology
Program :Bachelor Of Data Science
Course Level :Bachelor
Course Outline :