1. Expected Year of Graduation: 2,016
2. Is it necessary to take additional training before getting employed ? Yes
3. If your answer in (question 2) is (Yes), for what reasons?
Because of many reasons :
1) Applicability of the theories that the student took .. hasn't been taken into account or has been taken in some courses without advise or guidelines that help , which makes the student does not have the skills that give him the opportunity to work in such a company .
2) There is a huge gap between the the market needs and the fresh student capabilities , huge question marks on this point .. maybe it's because of the concepts that are given to the student are not keeping pace to the new terms or the new technologies .
3) Also the distribution of the course mark is giving the low percentage for applying the concepts .. which implies to make the student willing to just memorize the concept or theory even though he's not understanding it .
4. which represent your level
  Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
I am satisfied with the CS program 
I am satisfied with the quality of advising 
I am satisfied with the quality of service from the CS office 
Faculty members are available during office hours and accessible for out-of-class help 
Faculty members are knowledgeable in their subject matter 
Faculty members are in general good teachers and communicators 
Faculty members are generally helpful and care about the professional development of students 
The CS chair is available to listen and act promptly on student concerns 
Courses are available to allow graduation without delay 
Quality of computing facilities in the CS department is good 
Quality of laboratories in the CS department is good 
Quality of computing facilities in King Abdullah II School for Information Technology is good 
My education prepared me to be a team leader 
I am satisfied with my ability to apply knowledge of mathematics to solve problems 
I am satisfied with my ability to apply knowledge from core computing courses 
I am satisfied with my ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution 
I am satisfied with my ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs 
I have the ability to identify and analyze computing problems 
I have the ability to solve computing problems 
My education prepared me for multidisciplinary teamwork to accomplish a common goal 
I have the understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities 
I am satisfied with my oral communication ability 
I am satisfied with my written communication ability 
I am satisfied with my understanding of the societal and global impacts of computing solutions 
I am satisfied with my preparation to pursue graduate studies 
I have the ability to engage in life-long learning 
I recognize the need for engaging in life-long learning 
I have the ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice 
I have the ability to develop innovative solutions to computing problems 
I have the understanding of processes that support the delivery and management of information systems within a specific application environment 
5. Suggestions for Improvement:
1)Give more space and even time for the training and implementation sessions to meet the satisfaction that your department is aiming to have also high percentage of the course mark .
2)Collaborate the effort to the global competitions .. such as ACM,IEEE,Imagine Cup , and much more , also give the student the facilities they need to train such as "Lab with great capability just for problem solving or just for ACM competition .. in order to  bring up the name of the University of Jordan to the Global Competitions .
3) Make an interview for the academic capabilities that the Supervisor have to teach a course of the predefined courses before " تلبيس طواقي " .
4)Keep pace of the new technology of courses such as "Simulation,Algorithms,OS,Database, System Analysis  " not giving a Social Media course to view the faculty has a great perspective in technology.
5) Taking a feedback from your student about the course in my opinion is a MUST .
6)Separate the C++ course for IT Students than to be taken with other students or give a special case needs for them .
7)Merge the student in the teaching process and give the student the ability to give some lectures in order to enhance his skills.