Name and Address of the Company/Institution :
Name of Contact Person: Juan Lemos
Email of Contact Person:
Phone Number of Contact Person: 5418869434
Job Title of Contact Person: Manager
Number of CIS alumni employees in your company: 3
Names and contact details of CIS alumni employees in your company:
How long have the CIS alumni employees working for your company: 2
Job titles the CIS alumni employees currently hold: 2
Do the CIS alumni employees work in a CIS related field ? Yes
Was it necessary for the CIS alumni employees to take additional training upon employment? No
If your answer in (Question 11) is (Yes), for what reasons?
Based on the CIS alumni employees you currently employ, will you be interested to hire more alumni who are currently unemployed or looking for better job opportunities and have studied the CIS program in King Abdullah II School for Information Technology in The University of Jordan? Yes
What is the average salary per month your company pays to fresh alumni with a Bachelor Degree in CIS? 4000
CIS Program Assessment Emplyers
  Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
The employee is well-prepared to have a productive career 
The employee is able to adapt to technology advances 
The employee is able to effectively communicate with my peers, customers, supervisors through both written and oral means 
The employee is well-prepared to make well-rounded decisions when faced with social, ethical, and legal issues inherent to the computing field 
Employee is knowledgeable in his/her subject matter 
Employee's education prepared him/her to be a team leader 
I am satisfied with employee's ability to apply knowledge of mathematics to solve problems 
I am satisfied with employee's ability to apply knowledge from core computing courses 
I am satisfied with employee's ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution 
I am satisfied with employee's ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs 
Employee has the ability to identify and analyze computing problems 
Employee has the ability to solve computing problems 
Employee's education prepared him/her for multidisciplinary teamwork to accomplish a common goal 
Employee has the understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities 
I am satisfied with employee's oral communication ability 
I am satisfied with employee's written communication ability 
I am satisfied with employee's understanding of the societal and global impacts of computing solutions 
I am satisfied with employee's preparation to pursue graduate studies 
Employee has the ability to engage in life-long learning 
Employee recognizes the need for engaging in life-long learning 
Employee has the ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice 
Employee has the ability to develop innovative solutions to computing problems 
Employee has the understanding of processes that support the delivery and management of information systems within a specific application environment 
Suggestions for Improvement: